Nominations for 2023 are now closed but you can still nominate people for 2024.

Who can be nominated?

Eligible nominees must:

  • The nominees must Live or work in the UK except in the women of impact awards which they should live or work within the Dorset region.
  • Be 18 years of age or older at the date of nomination, with the exception of nominees in the Young Woman of Influence category and other young category
  • Parental consent if a young person or self consent to the nomination and publication of their name, photo and information
  • Be willing to provide a 1-3 minute speech at the reception
  • If received a Bronze awards already, nomination most be based on work done in current year from last awards 2019 March.
  • Evidence of work done is paramount

Who can nominate?

Nominations can be received by anyone including friends, family and co-workers, etc. However, nominees can nominate themselves.

The Process

A Selection Committee will review all nominations.  All qualifying nominees MUST be available: on the evening of Saturday, May 25th, 2024 for the award program and photo session in Bournemouth.

Make Your Nomination

    Your Details

    The Details of the Person You are Nominating


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